3.3 MyID Operator Client user interface

The MyID Operator Client comprises the following elements:

In the title bar, you can:

In the category list, you can:

In the search form, you can:

In the display form, you can:

3.3.1 Using the button bar

Use the buttons at the bottom of the form to carry out actions on the selected item; for example, you can edit a person's user account, or request a device.

The options available depend on your system configuration, the status of the item you are viewing, and your role permissions. The button bar displays the two most relevant actions; click the ... option to display more available actions.

3.3.2 Launching MyID Desktop or Self-Service App workflows

Some operations listed on the button bar (for example Reset Card PIN) are carried out by launching a MyID Desktop workflow or a Self-Service App action; this allows you to perform activities in MyID Operator Client (such as interacting with smart cards) that are implemented in a native client rather than the browser. To use these features, you must have the MyID Client Service, MyID Desktop, and the Self-Service App installed.

Note: If you have not installed MyID Desktop or the Self-Service App to their default locations, you must configure the MyID Client Service with its installed location; see section 8.4.8, Setting the location of MyID Desktop or the Self-Service App for details.

When you launch MyID Desktop or the Self-Service App from the MyID Operator Client, the application is authorized to carry out a single task; for example, resetting a card's PIN. When you have completed the task and clicked Finish, the application window closes and control is returned to the MyID Operator Client window. If you close the MyID Operator Client browser window after launching the application, you can still complete the single task; it does not rely on the browser window remaining open.

Important: To use this feature, you must upgrade your MyID Client Service, MyID Desktop, and Self-Service App software to the latest versions.

3.3.3 Working on multiple records

If you want to work on multiple records (for example, to edit multiple people, or cancel multiple requests) you can use the select option in the results screen, then work through the records one by one. Search for the records you want to work with, and the results appear.

In the above example, you have searched for everyone in your organization; however, you only need to edit three of the people listed, not all of them.

Use the checkboxes at the left of each record to mark the records you are interested in.

Note: You can mark or deselect all records using the checkbox in the header.

Once you have marked the records you want to work with, click on any marked record to open the set.

Note: If you click a record that is not marked, that record opens, and is not included in the set; however, if you return to the results list, you will not have lost your marked records.

The navigation toolbar at the top right of the record shows your position in the results set and allows you to move between records:

To navigate the records:

3.3.4 Displaying dates and times

Dates and times are displayed in the MyID Operator Client based on the server settings rather than the browser or operating system settings.

By default, the MyID Operator Client uses the following date and time format:

If you want to use different time and date formats, for example for different locales, you can customize the server dictionaries; contact customer support quoting SUP-138 for details.

3.3.5 Entering dates and times

To edit a date on a form, you can type the date into the field. When you click within an empty field, the expected format is shown:

Important: If you have customized the date format on your server and specified a format that requires alphabetic entry (for example, Monday 23 February 1976) you can use the calendar button to select the date, but you cannot type the date directly into the date field. You can type the date only if the format includes only numbers and symbols.

If you type an invalid date, the field displays a warning:

To select the date instead of typing it, you can click the calendar button:

This displays the calendar control:

Select the date you want to use, then click OK.

Note: The accepted range for all dates is January 1 1900 to January 1 2100.

3.3.6 Using the browser location bar

The location bar of your browser updates with the current location within the MyID Operator Client website. You can bookmark these links, or send them to other operators; when you click on these links, you authenticate to the MyID Operator Client website if necessary, then open the page at the correct location, if your role and scope permissions allow you to do so, and the specified item still exists.

For example, you can create links for the following:

3.3.7 Opening a new tab or window

If you have a list of search results, you can right-click on an item in the list, then select either Open in a new tab or Open in a new window from the pop-up menu; the MyID Operator Client opens a new tab or window at the appropriate location.

You can also right-click on buttons to open in a new tab or window if the action of the button would be to open a new screen; for example, you can right-click Request Device, which opens the Request Device Issuance screen, but you cannot open Directory Sync in a new tab or page, as this action does not open a new screen.

Note: When you open a screen in a new tab or new window, the category list and search form are automatically hidden. To toggle the display of the category list (and search form, if appropriate), click the tray button: